September what a crazy ride!

September what a crazy ride!

September is not over yet and is definitely a mix of feelings and events that make it some kind of roller coaster! 
It started with our baby having a stomach bug and losing almost 3kg (out of 10!), I went back to work after maternity leave, we were features in a Magazine and we also did an interview for a tv show!

So now the baby is well and getting chubby again, I’m getting used to managing two things at the same time… this obviously means working late our early hours on our family business, but that’s ok, I still love it.

Regarding the magazine, we were so kindly invited to have a 2 page article in Evoque. Its a digital magazine that features luxury travel, food and lifestyle. We were super happy and proud that our work was recognized and that it would be shared with people around the world 💙

If you want to check out the magazine here is the link, we are on page 108.

The TV show was also a complete surprise! We were contacted by The Glitter Show and asked if we wanted to do a small segment introducing the brand. Of course we said yes! And 4 days later there we were shooting our 1st tv appearance! It went super smooth and all the team made us feel super comfortable. We got great feedback from everyone and we were again so proud to have been chosen for this. ❤️❤️

If you want to check out our TV appearance, here is the link, minute 12:40.

Thank you for being on this ride with us 💫

Mariana 🌸